Alan Turner

Tha Skypro na chompanaidh earbsach ris an do dhèilig sinn airson còrr is deichead.


Mar phrìomh neach-dèanamh agus solaraiche de fhuasglaidhean stòraidh gnìomhachais àrd-inbhe ann an Sìona, is urrainn dhuinn a thoirt dhut

  • Composition of variable polymers (rubber & plastic etc.)with other reinforcement materials (fabric, fiberglass etc.) together.Composition of variable polymers (rubber & plastic etc.)with other reinforcement materials (fabric, fiberglass etc.) together.

    Caochladh gnè

    A ’dèanamh suas de pholaimirean caochlaideach (rubair & plastaig msaa) le stuthan neartachaidh eile (aodach, fiberglass msaa) còmhla.
  • Different composition ways used including lamination, coating, compressing, gluing etc.Different composition ways used including lamination, coating, compressing, gluing etc.


    Dòighean eadar-dhealaichte air an cleachdadh a ’toirt a-steach lamination, còmhdach, compressing, gluing msaa.
  • Both foam and solid rubber & plastic sheet material supplied either in single or multiple layers.Both foam and solid rubber & plastic sheet material supplied either in single or multiple layers.


    An dà chuid stuth foam agus rubair cruaidh & duilleag plastaig air a thoirt seachad an dàrna cuid ann an sreathan singilte no iomadach.
  • Variable and customized designs available to customers with ODM & OEM service.Variable and customized designs available to customers with ODM & OEM service.

    ODM & OEM

    Dealbhaidhean caochlaideach agus gnàthaichte rim faighinn do luchd-ceannach le seirbheis ODM & OEM.
  • Custom shapes and sizes provided either by heat curing mold or die-cut according to drawings from customers.Custom shapes and sizes provided either by heat curing mold or die-cut according to drawings from customers.


    Cumaidhean agus meudan gnàthaichte air an toirt seachad an dàrna cuid le molltair teasachaidh teas no gearradh die a rèir dealbhan bho luchd-ceannach.
  • Physical properties adjustable including hardness, density, tensile strength, elongation, colors with anti-static, flame-retardant (FR),waterproof, wear-resistant treatment and more..Physical properties adjustable including hardness, density, tensile strength, elongation, colors with anti-static, flame-retardant (FR),waterproof, wear-resistant treatment and more..

    Togalaichean corporra

    Togalaichean fiosaigeach a ghabhas atharrachadh a ’toirt a-steach cruas, dùmhlachd, neart tensile, elongation, dathan le anti-statach, lasair-retardant (FR), dìon-uisge, làimhseachadh caitheamh-dìon agus barrachd.

Mu Skypro Rubber

Tha Nanjing Skypro Rubber & Plastic Co., Earranta na neach-saothrachaidh proifeasanta a tha a ’stiùireadh ann a bhith a’ dealbhadh, a ’dèanamh agus a’ cur a-mach diofar sheòrsaichean crios rubair agus plastaig a ’toirt a-steach còmhdach rubair, brat rubair, leac rubair a bharrachd air toraidhean rubair neo-àbhaisteach eile.